I have a child with an auto-immune disease occured 6 years ago. Because of her treament, her tiredness and hypersensitivity, her nights became more and more agitated. She needs to sleep very well to regenerate in order to help in her healing, and she absolutely was not. It was unexpected for me to encounter the Cerbere33 and it has been provitential in many ways. I wanted my daughter to get rid of her nigthmares in order to rest properly, but I didn’t expected the others device’s unforeseen effects. It took a whole week for my daughter to “initialize” herself with the Cerbere33 freeded energies. A lot of fever, pain all over her body, I was completely freaked out! But, under Mr Mounié advice I let the object under her bed. And then, seven days after my daughter stood up in the morning, completely refreshed by her night and in a good high mood I did not seen since years. She was stuck in a wheelchair since months and now she doesn’t need it anymore! Medical staff who follows her has noticed her new condition, and wonder how is it possible to have a sudden recovering like that. We still have some path for a complete healing, but now we know that we hold a wonderfull advantage. I do not say that Cerbere33 is a healing device but I must testify the facts, the actions and the reactions. That’s why I want to share this happyness of seeing my daughter walking again, through a facilitated healing. Thank you Mr Mounié for your Cerbere33, thank you a thousand times.