Cerbere33 Bouclier contre les énergies négatives

Cerbere33’s installation guide

Il est important de bien suivre les instructions pour le bon fonctionnement de l’appareil

Follow the instructions below in order to perfectly handle the device’s fonction.

1 – Déplacez le lit pour travailler aisément.

Push aside your bed for an easier installation

2 – Placez votre Cerbère33 au sol sous sous votre lit vers le centre, avec les pointes dirigées vers le haut.

Place your Cerbere33 on the floor in the center under the bed (as close as possible from the center.

3 – A l’aide de la boussole dirigez votre Cerbère33 au Nord. La flèche rouge dot faire face au NORD(important voir photo).                                                                                                                     With the compass place the Cerbere33 to the north.The red spire of the compass must face NORTH (Important see photo below)

Fixez votre Cerbère 33 avec un large adhésif aux quatres angles.( un coup de balai ou d’aspirateur pourrait le désaxer).

   Secure the Cerbere33 with some adhesive tape place on the four corners.(a broom or a hoover could dislodge it)


La flèche doit faire face au Nord

Avertissements – Warnings :

Dans certains cas, il advient que des personnes équipées du Cerbère33 aient des manifestations impressionnantes dans les nuits suivant l’installation de l’appareil. ne sortez pas du lit, vous ne reisquez rien; ces manifestations éventuelles peuvent durer plusieurs nuits avant que le phénomène s’arrête. Des cas de ballonementset/ou de diarrhées sont possibles.                                                            – Sometimes, it happens impressives manisfestations during the very firts nights after an installation of a Cerbere33. Do not worry and remain in your bed. Never quit your bed you are completly safe in it. Those kind of events can happens during several nights and stop once and for all. Some belly disorders can occure.

Le Cerbère33 peut se garder définitivement sous le lit.

You can keep for good the Cerbere33 under the bed.

Au bout d’un mois d’utilisations du Cerbère33, s’il vous semble que votre protection n’est pas suffisante, vous pouvez rajouter un champ ondulatoire ouvert dont vous trouverez le mode d’emploi dans la vidéo ci-dessous.

If after one month it seems that the protection is not enough, you can add another one caled in french “champ ondulatoire ouvert” wich manual is describe in the video below.

Ne pas installer un champ ondulatoire ouvert avant d’avoir utiliser le Cerbère33 durant un mois.

Never use this “champ ondulatoire ouvert” without using a Cerbere33 during one month.




Sans pile ni branchement, il est autonome et transportable.


Fabrication française montée à la main.logo fabrication française

Catherine.S- (Montpellier- France)

16 August 2023

Mr. Mounié hello, I wanted to tell you that for 15 days and more particularly for a week I have been sleeping like a baby with a heavy sleep next to my Cerberus. Like a need to recover from an immense accumulated fatigue. My partner, who was no longer sleeping, managed to sleep, he seems calmer, less nervous. I am waiting to see if the rest will improve. I assume that what has been put on our heads was quite heavy. Thanks again, I'll keep you posted. Kind regards, Catherine S

A.C January 2019 – Lyon – France

31 January 2019

Received and tried yesterday: GREAT !! I slept like a baby, no nightmares, dreams of yellow and bloom (solar plexus) and light, I'm so relieved! Fun: I feel my mattress as if it were twice as bulky, and bulging up. I feel pushed up. Thank you for this wonderful device! " A.C.-Lyon

Julien B – Ingenior Physicist

29 November 2018

Device of a formidable efficiency with effect "boomerang" in verse the people who could have intentions "negative" towards you. Since I installed it under my bed in January 2018, I never had nightmares or "unpleasant" dreams , on the contrary ... This device allowed me to access "things" subtle and kind hearted and I take it everywhere with me when I travel (apartments / houses for rent, hotels). Whether it's a placebo effect or a resurgence of ancestral knowledge, it works and that's the main thing. Even more effective when you begin or follow a spiritual step. Indeed, it has allowed...

Miss Caroline L – Thérapist – Cannes- (France)

16 February 2017

The Cerbere33 is very helpfull. I used to have cold sweates with disturbed sleeps and  odd fevers nights , nightmares and very tired each morning, as if I was awoke all night long, even if I get to bed early. I used to wake up with headaches. Eversince...I have complete and refreshing sleeps even if I go late to bed; I have my vim back, an amazing clear-sightedness, I'm in good mood each morning and a happier wakefullness! Ready to go to my work as a therapist! Thank you ! I strongly recommended the Cerbere33!

Mrs Céline G – Var- (France) – Public relations –

24 September 2016

I have a child with an auto-immune disease occured 6 years ago. Because of her treament, her tiredness and hypersensitivity, her nights became more and more agitated. She needs to sleep very well to regenerate in order to help in her healing, and she  absolutely was not. It was unexpected for me to encounter the Cerbere33 and it has been provitential in many ways. I wanted my daughter to get rid of her nigthmares in order to rest properly, but I didn't expected the others  device's unforeseen effects. It took a whole week for my daughter to "initialize" herself with the...

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